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Ente banditore: Umicore Building Products France - VMZINC
Premi di architettura - Francia
Oggetto del bando:
Umicore Building Products France - VMZINC brand with a capital of € 28.800.000, located at 40 rue Jean Jaurès, 93176 Bagnolet, SIRET number 34296500100015, in partnership with personalities from the world of architecture and the building industry, is organising the Trophée ARCHIZINC by VMZINC, from September to December 2017
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0104 - Premi di architettura
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 03/10/2017
Data scadenza iscrizione:31/12/2017
Data consegna elaborati: 31/12/2017
Requisiti di partecipazione:
Conditions for eligibility are as follows:
– Architectural projects with zinc from VMZINC‚ roofs and/or facades,
- over 100 sq m of surface covered with zinc‚
- projects where the specification and installation of the zinc follow recognised good practice and VMZINC recommendations,
- which were inspected and handed over after January 1st 2014,
- which have not yet been featured in FOCUS ON ZINC.
The winners’ projects (category winners and Jury’s award winner) will be highlighted in a special edition of the international magazine, FOCUS ON ZINC. About 50,000 copies of this magazine will be published in October 2018 at the latest, and will be distributed to owners, architects and design teams in at least 10 countries. If the organiser judges it necessary, in order to ensure the quality
of the FOCUS ON ZINC magazine, a photo report of the buildings selected for publication will be carried out after the results have been announced. The organiser, Umicore Building Products France - VMZINC brand, will be entirely responsible for the costs and fees for these photo reports. If photos submitted in the file are used, the copyrights for this publication will be transferred to Umicore Building Products France. In addition, the winners will receive a work of art (the Trophée ARCHIZINC) to mark their success. They will also receive 100 copies of the magazine (50 copies for the runners-up).
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