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Ente banditore: IUAV e Confindustria Venezia Rovigo
Concorsi di progettazione, di idee - (VE) - Italia
Oggetto del bando:
The aim of the contest is to create a link between the world of design and production, and stimulate innovative solutions that start from the knowledge and from the eventual customization of materials used for the project. The design theme is Palazzo Ca’ Tron, location of undergraduate degree programme in Planning and Urban Design at Università Iuav di Venezia, located in the historic center of the city.
Finalità del concorso:
The redevelopment project must consider the multiple functions that are attributed to the building. The University wishes to go beyond the traditional boundaries of the academic establishment to create a hybrid space, a place of relationships and a synergic exchange between students and the social and productive context of the territory. Palazzo Ca’ Tron will have to assume the characteristics of a place of knowledge and active promotion for the ongoing urban transformations. Competitors must have to design a new addition of the building: about 5% of the total volume. This operation can become an opportunity to support new spaces with specific features. Given the peculiarity of the intervention, one of the project constraints will be to create a dialogue between contemporary architecture and historical pre-existence.
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0101 - Concorsi di progettazione, di idee
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 29/09/2017
Data scadenza iscrizione:20/10/2017
Data consegna elaborati: 03/11/2017
Requisiti di partecipazione:
The contest takes place in a single step and is open to professionals from all over the world.
Competitors can be graduated, freelance architects, designers, engineers, architecture or engineering companies, with a proven qualification.
The participation at the contest is anonymous;
Competitors must be under 40 (before the date of delivery of the contest).
Competitors can join the contest both individually and in team.
First prize > euro 10.000,00
Second prize > euro 4.500,00
Third prize > euro 2.000,00
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