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Ente banditore: Velux
VELUX International Design Award
Concorsi di Design - Italia
Oggetto del bando:
Design Award
Finalità del concorso:
The VELUX Group strives to innovate by experiment and develop products that meet future needs with new ways of “bringing light to life”.
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0105 - Concorsi di Design
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 24/10/2013
Data scadenza iscrizione:31/12/2013
Data consegna elaborati: 31/03/2014
Requisiti di partecipazione:
Design students from acknowledged European design institutions that offer
Bachelor-level courses as a minimum.
Elaborati Richiesti:
The project image
The jury will evaluate all projects on screen. You need to deliver a JPG bitmap image with no vector graphics (text or line work) and without clipping paths and layers.
When preparing your project presentation, you should take into account that the project image is viewed and evaluated on a 12.5 inch monitor with a resolution of 1,366 x 768 pixels. You need to make sure that the image is viewable and that the text is legible in this resolution.

The project description
You have to insert your project description directly into your design award account using a standard browser. The description must not contain images, logos or graphics. You can format the text with plain, bold or italic. The maximum number of words is 200. The description must be in English, using standard ASCII characters only.

The project film
Uploading a film is optional. If you wish, you can upload a video that shows some of the features of your design. Maximum length is 30 seconds. If speak or subtitles are used, please use English.
We accept all common video formats in all resolutions. To get the best result, we recommend preparing clips in 1280x720 pixels and using the H.264 video codec at about 4000 kb/s.
First Prize: 6,000 Euro.
Second Prize: 2,500 Euro.
Community Prize: 1,500 Euro.
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